Proper care during pregnancy is utmost important for the mother as well as the developing fetus (baby). This not only helps to monitor the growth of the babies, but also enables to pick up early complications and therefore helps in management.

It is a good idea to visit the doctor as soon as you know that you have conceived. We will then be able to provide you details about the diet, supplements and food during your early pregnancy to avoid problems like severe nausea, vomiting etc. Sometimes there can be hormonal imbalance, and you may require additional hormonal support of progesterone during the early months of pregnancy.

Nutrition in Pregnancy

Common Skin conditions during Pregnancy


  • Generally 3-4 ultrasonographies are done during pregnancy to monitor the growth and wellbeing of the developing baby.
  • The first sonography may be done around 6-7 weeks. This helps us in knowing that the bay is fine and also the expected date of delivery.
  • The next important sonography is around 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, called the NUCHAL SCAN. This is particularly important in women above 30 years. It helps us to assess the risk of having chromosomal trisomies in the baby. This scan is generally followed by a blood test called DUAL MARKER.
  • Around 18- 20 weeks, we advise an anomaly scan to know about the major organs of the baby.
  • A final Doppler sonography is advised around 32-34 weeks for fetal assessment and its blood supply.
  • Additional sonography may be advised if the obstetrician suspects some abnormalities. A Doppler sonography wherein the blood flow to the babies is evaluated may be done in suspected cases of growth restriction in the baby (IUGR/ FGR).
  • Sonography also helps us in knowing the location of placenta, position of babies (Head down or feet down), and cervical length (length of mouth of uterus)

Blood tests may be done during pregnancy and antenatal period for early detection of anemia, deranged blood sugar, knowing the thyroid status etc.

Growth of the baby in the Uterus (Womb)

What is Amniocentesis?


  • Regular antenatal check ups, ultrasonographies and blood tests help us in early diagnosis of complications.
  • Oral supplements like iron, vitamins, calcium and proteins are prescribed. Very rarely if the women does not respond to medical management, and is at the risk of developing anaemia she is given intravenous iron etc.
  • Cervical encerclage (stitch taken at the mouth of uterus) – In certain selected cases where in there are high chances of mouth of uterus opening very early in pregnancy (less than 24 weeks) due to inherent weakness of the uterus, short cervix (os incompetence) or twins / higher order pregnancy applying pressure on the cervix, a stitch is taken at the mouth of the uterus (cervix) to prevent preterm delivery. This is known as cervical encercalge or cervical stitch or os tightening surgery.
  • Additional drugs like L-Argine or ecosprin low dose to prevent IUGR (growth restriction in the baby), preeclampsia (high BP) etc.


  • Delivery is usually planned after 37 weeks.
  • Mode of delivery whether normal or cesarean depends upon the gestation period, location of placenta, the weights and condition of babies and position of babies.
  • If a cervical knot is taken, then the most suitable time to cut it is around 36-37 weeks.
  • Depending upon all these factors the obstetrician will sketch a plan after discussing with you and your partner.